Monday, November 17, 2008

After the Afterglow… Waiting with Baited Breath (Me and Barack Obama's Presidency)

It’s been almost two weeks since we elected our first African American president, Barack Obama, and I’m feeling like I feel after I’ve had sex with someone for the very first time. “Does he feel the same way about me as I feel about him?” “Did we rush into this?” “Did we know enough about each other to take this step?” “Is he the one?”

Now I know some folks, black and white, see Barack Obama as the “second coming,” but I’ve been through this sort of thing before… falling for the dream and not the man. I still have high hopes for my relationship with Barack Obama and the Obama presidency but relationships of politics past keep haunting me. There was Washington DC’s former mayor Marion Berry smoking crack with his mistress while in office, former presidential candidate Jesse Jackson taped saying he’d like to cut off Barack Obama’s nuts and having a love child with his mistress, former Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick’s affair with his chief of staff then perjuring himself in court about it in addition to a federal investigation into his possible tax evasion and funds misappropriation and last but not least, Clarence Thomas who sexually harassed Anita Hill only to still be appointed a Supreme Court Justice who not only opposes Affirmative Action but is one of the most conservative judges on the bench. I could go on but I won’t (and for the record Colin Powell was on this list of disappointments with the outright lies he told the United Nations to invade Iraq but he redeemed himself recently with his admonishment of the Republican Party’s hate mongering and his open support of Barack Obama).

Yes, I know white politicians have their fair share of scandals but I don’t have a relationship with them. I do feel though that I have a special relationship with these African American politicians because by and large it was our, MY, community that supported and elected them. And every time they do something to dishonor their office and position they dishonor our ancestors, themselves, their families and every person of African descent. I know it is a heavy cross to bear but that is the reality of the situation. One misstep by these politicians is all the racists (some blatant and some closeted) needed to justify their beliefs that we are inherently inferior to them, that we lack the ability to lead and think rationally and that to be criminal is our nature. So, I worry about an Obama presidency because one misstep by him or his administration could set us back another 15 – 30 years in our struggle to gain economic and political power in this country. The effects would be devastating and far reaching in both the public and private sectors. (You think the systematic dismantling of Affirmative Action is bad... you ain't seen nothin' yet!)

So, I sit back, wait and watch patiently, taking note of who Barack chooses for his cabinet because you can tell a lot about a man by who he chooses to surround himself with. Grandma says, “Birds of a feather flock together, Crows and Canaries don’t hang.” Truer words were never spoken! So far I like his first choice, his wife, an educated, successful, dark skinned African American woman. A sho’ nuff sistah! Not bad, not bad at all... if all of his choices could be this good…

Waiting with Baited Breath

Friday, November 7, 2008

OMG... Obama!!!

Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2008 - 1:52pm

Oh God…

Can you believe we’ve made it this far…?

In a few short hours we’ll have the results of the most important election in U.S. history and I am as nervous as a whore in church. I want Obama to win with cell in my being… as if it were me running for president. I guess that’s how most black folks feel about this election… if Barack wins then a little piece of us wins too and we’ll know that all things are possible in this supposedly great country of ours.

Now here is what I predict will happen if, God forbid, Obama loses:

  1. Black people will stop paying taxes to a government they didn’t vote for.
  2. Liberals with money will begin leaving this country en mass while the rest will start Underground Railroads to Cuba and the rest of the Caribbean excluding all U.S. territories.
  3. Other countries, like France and Sweden, will take pity on us and offer U.S. citizens dual citizenship.
  4. A new civil war breaks out with the “blue” states deciding to cede from the Union.
  5. McCain/Palin supporters will live in fear that every time a person of color serves them at a bar or restaurant that they may be ingesting bodily fluids as well as their food.
  6. African countries will entice educated and wealthy black folks to move back to the Motherland with the promise of citizenship and good government jobs.
  7. I just might smack somebody!
    Share your thoughts here… but let’s pray it goes the other way!

Wed., Nov. 5, 2008 - 9:30pm

That was me 24 hours ago…

In case you have been living under a rock for the last 24 hours the United States has elected its first African American president! I prayed for this moment along with millions of other people, black, white, Latino and Asian. We prayed and hoped against hope that Barack Obama would receive a fair election and that this country was ready for a changing of the guard. Last night I sat with two new friends, an Asian woman and a Latino male, at a Mexican restaurant and watched McCain give his concession speech. Later we went to bar that was overwhelmingly young and white and watched President – elect Barack Obama give his acceptance speech. Shoulder to shoulder we stood in awe watching history in the making and you could feel the joy emanating from the people around you. (I also met Ricky Bell from New Edition and Bell, Biv, Devoe!) Never have I felt so jubilant, so hopeful and so empowered and entitled in this country of ours.

Today I awoke bright and early despite my late night carousing. I called friends and family and we shared our stories about where we were when we heard, which news stations gave the best coverage and how we celebrated Obama’s victory, our victory. I walked down the street bopping to the beat of my own music, smiling all the way, and treated myself to a big pancake breakfast.

Children that I teach at a local school congratulated me and their fellow students and I walked over to a group of young black boys and called them all young presidents. One boy asked what I meant and the other boy said she’s saying we’re Obama, Barack Obama. The once confused boy nodded in recognition with a smile on his face. “Yes!” I thought, “He gets it.” I wished co-workers “Happy Obama Day” and they returned the favor and we all agreed there was no longer any excuse because… “Yes, we can!” Si se puede!

But, I am still numb... this feels like some wacky dream. The enormity of this election isn’t lost on me but I haven’t had the watershed of emotion that my counterparts have had. I haven’t cried yet and maybe that’s a good thing because there is nothing to cry about there is nothing but… joy.

I still pray for Brother Barack and his family. (I call him brother because I love him and my care and concern is deep for him.) I pray for the success of his presidency and the legacy it will leave but most of all I pray everyday for their safety and well being because if he should accidentally choke on a pretzel or get shot in the face by a friend on a hunting trip or worse yet catch a rare fatal case of pink eye I will swear this country’s white supremacists (in the government) conspired to kill him. Lawd, they better keep this brother safe!!!

I thank all who supported and voted for him and I know that we have placed our faith in right man.

Peace and joy!