Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The song says, “Michelle, my belle…”

If you didn’t watch Michelle Obama speak last night at the Democratic National Convention you missed something awesome. I sat there near tears as I watched an intelligent woman and devoted wife speak about her husband “with a funny name” and I was in awe. I realized I could be watching the first African American woman to be First Lady of the United States of America, which thanks to Sen. Hillary Clinton is arguably a cabinet job.

Michelle spoke about her and Barack’s working class roots and their commitment to social change and reform. She also stressed her love of family and of this country (the latter of which having been often criticized and debated due to her remarks earlier in the campaign). She spoke passionately and sincerely and the poise she displayed put a lot of viewers, like me, in mind of the quintessential first lady, Jackie Kennedy.

I watched the convention coverage on C-SPAN, a channel that admittedly does not get enough (any) play in my house, and after Michelle's speech they took calls from Obama and McCain supporters as well as the undecided. While most of the callers were as impressed with Michelle Obama’s speech as I was, I was struck by the comments of some of the callers.

Now I certainly didn’t expect McCain supporters to jump ship, so to speak, to the Obama campaign because of Michelle’s speech because that would've been ludicrous but, I did expect them to at least compliment her as a great orator. Instead, what we got were people who despite of her working class roots attacked her Ivy League education as elitist. I believe the word that was used by one caller was “suspicious” which is funny considering the current president graduated from Yale… another I vy League school. I wonder was the caller suspicious of him, too? Maybe Mrs. Obama should acquire a southern accent to make her more working class… or perhaps a ghetto one?

They also said repeatedly that Obama has no plan for “all of the change” he talks about, a point that some staunch Hillary supporters who called in also echoed. Wow, Obama has outlined his platform numerous times and in numerous formats … I see these people don’t have access to newspapers, magazines or computers… or is all that readin’ and cipherin' “suspicious” too?

Now look, I’ll be real, McCain supporters have every right to pick apart the Obama campaign and find fault everywhere they look hell, I do it to McCain. But it’s the die hard Hillary supporters that are driving me crazy. Side by side Hillary and Barack’s political views and platforms are very similar, the devil being in the minor details. However, these rabid Hillary supporters act as if an ungrateful Obama stole this election from Hillary. The people have spoken and Hillary didn’t have the delegates she needed to ensure her nomination, PERIOD! Holding on to Hillary’s candidacy for dear life will not change this fact.

I beg all of you Hillary supporters not to let her be our 2008 Nader, costing us Democrats the election! Please! If Hillary had gotten the nomination I would have mourned Obama’s loss but I certainly wouldn’t consider voting for McCain or not voting at all because too much is at stake and I certainly wouldn’t continue to grouse publicly giving the Republicans all the ammunition they need to defeat us in November. Hello, have you seen that ridiculous “Deborah” ad with a Hillary supporter jumping ship for McCain? If she were one of my girl friends I’d slap her and say, “Snap out of it!

Lastly, for the Hillary supporters who are actually upset that she wasn’t named as the vice presidential candidate, how do you know she wasn’t offered the position and declined? I think she can effect more change as a senator. What would she gain politically from being Vice President? She is already a powerful and vocal senator and as V.P. she would definitely have to lose her voice in favor of completely supporting the President and his policies, something I think she may have a problem with. I would. Furthermore, being V.P doesn’t mean you’re a shoe in for President, ask Al Gore. Nah, Hillary can still be President and if, when , she runs again she’ll get my vote but only if you Hillaryites back off.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I've got a secret...

Call it New Age hoodoo or hocus pocus but I've been reading The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and it really works. Listen, before you move on to Youtube or Myspace hear me out... In my last blog I was lamenting the fact that I was so broke I was about to lose my apartment, car and mind. My mother was desperate to help her only daughter and suggested that I get this book, The Secret. She said it may help and that she's been listening to the audio book.

Now, anyone that knows my mother knows that New Age isn't really her, she's a Yoruba priestess for goodness sake! Furthermore, if it ain't African it ain't her! But I thought if she is recommending this book there must be something to it because she can smell bullsh-- from a mile away.

It's been about 3 weeks since I've been reading the book and it has helped me make a definite improvement in my life. Instead of focusing what is going wrong I am focusing on what is going right. I am also learning to attract the things that I want in my life through visualization and positive thoughts. Before reading this book I would say things like, "I don't want this..." or "I don't want that..." Now I focus on what I do want... prosperity, joy, abundance, success, a loving relationship and children.

Since I've begun applying the various principals outlined in this book to my life the following has happened, I have been offered two positions, my car note is paid and I am looking for a newer, better apartment. Furthermore, I have received an outpouring of support from various people in my life. So right now I want to say a big fat thank you to... Mommy and Daddy, Uncle Bo, Grandma Alice, Afi, Casey, Tamara and Ray!

Ask, believe, receive....
